doula support

Doula Support Services, Massage a Mom, Fort Lauderdale

a Doula helps you create a positive and nurturing labor and delivery experience even in a hospital setting.

Putting together your support team and doing everything to ensure that your needs are met is very empowering. Having a Doula at your delivery not only lessens the chances of medical interventions and a possible c-sect, but it enhances the whole experience for everyone, bringing a more positive energy into the process which has both physical and psychological benefits, there in the moment and long term as well.

To me being pregnant is like training for the Olympics, you have nine months to train and get ready for birthing a baby. You do yoga, have prenatal massages, you roll on your ball, use the Bed Buddy, take hypno-birthing classes, take birthing classes you do everything good that will support you for when you show up to give birth. The same thing an Olympic athlete would do before showing up to go for the gold. Only difference is the athlete would never show up to the Olympics without her coach.

Having a Doula to support you and your partner in my opinion is a game changer and takes this amazing experience to a whole new level. Supporting, and nurturing, you through the birthing process. Most hospitals and Birthing Centers have a “Meet the Doula” night. I recommend you go and see what it’s all about.

Contact Massage a Mom For a Custom Quote.

Your birthing experience is a story that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

So Doula or don’t ya…of course you Doula!

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