Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Red Raspberry leaf tea is one of the safest and commonly used teas for women wanting to get pregnant or for women who are already pregnant. I recommend that my clients drink one cup a day and three cups a day after 35 weeks pregnant.

Here is a brief list of the benefits and why I recommend this tea:

  • For strengthening the wall of the uterus and the entire female reproductive tract, helps prevent miscarriage and postpartum hemorrhage from a relaxed or atonic uterus.

  • Tones uterine muscle before, during, and after childbirth.

  • It works during all stages of pregnancy.

  • Relieves morning sickness and nausea.

  • A good idea is to suck on ice cubes made from red raspberry tea. Helps to reduce pain during labor and after birth by toning the muscles used during labor and delivery.

  • Helps to increase milk supply for nursing your baby. Red raspberry leaves do not start or encourage labor.

  • It can help the contractions to be productive once true labor has begun because it strengthens the uterine and pelvic muscles but it is not an oxytonic herb (one that would induce labor). Of course you always want to discuss this with your midwife, obstetrician or herbalist before beginning drinking the tea.

  • Can help to regulate a menstrual period and decreases heavy periods (Drink 2-3 cups per day. After 2-3 months you should obtain a regular cycle.)

  • It is good for stomach aches and bowel problems. It is good for digestion, as an antacid, and for those with bloating and gas.

  • Treating Acne: It can act as an astringent on irritated skin by tightening the top layers of skin which effectively reduces secretions, relieves irritation and improves tissue firmness.

  • Can be used as a mouth wash to soothe canker sores, swollen gums, and throat irritations. It is effective in urinary tract infections.

I always use the Traditional Medicinal brand for all my herbal teas. Sometimes I can find them at my local supermarket, but never have a problem finding them at Whole Foods. The best deal is on Amazon, but try the tea first before you go and buy in bulk. It really is a great tea even if you’re not pregnant.

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